Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Amy Ryland Photography: Corbyn's 2

This little boy has brought more joy, happiness, laughter and love than any other person on the planet. He has taught me how to live more beautifully.

His red wagon that was a gift from Pastor Irvin even having his name painted on it. Before getting in he always says "Pastor Irvin gave this to me". So special.
He is such a happy boy!
He is growing up too fast but he is sure growing into a sweet, smart little boy.
He loves figuring out how things work and "fixing things". He is thoughtful..
One of Wil's favorites. He is entertaining.
This is his "happy face". He wanted a picture of his "happy face"! He is silly.
He had two "red" balloons, he is wondering why he can't find the other one that escaped when I opened the car door. I love his face of wonder...connecting dots, putting things together. I love watching his little mind work.
Just a boy and his "red" balloon. He loves to play and explore.
"Momma can I pleeease have ______". "Sure, baby". You try saying no to this face. He is mommy's boy.
He gives big squeezy hugs and two handed holding your face kisses...I hope this never stops. He is very loving and caring.
My favorite! He is precious!
I would like this photo more if I was holding his hand. "I do it all by self". He is independent.
He is easily excited and very enthusiastic about life. "Look! A crane, a crane, a cone, a bus, a digger, a water truck, a ball!"
He laughs easily. And is very ticklish.
He loves baseball! Score.
"I try it, I do it, I can do it. Good job boy. Nice catch boy. Almost boy," he said as we watched for 45 minutes, 45 minutes, 7 year olds practice baseball. He is an encourager.
Another one of Wil's favs. He is goofy.
He wants to jump right in. He is fearless.
Corbyn, my prayer for you is that you would know and love Jesus. That you would be Jesus to the people around you. And that you would know how much your mommy and daddy love you! You are our greatest blessing!


  1. These are so good!! I love the photo under "He loves baseball! Score." and the one under ""Momma can I pleeease have ______". "Sure, baby"." So cute! You took super pictures :)

  2. I love these! :D They are all so adorable! But how can they not be when you have such a handsome subject!
