Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mommy Mondays: Toys

You open our hall closet, toys. Go into the guest room, toys. Corbyn's closet, toys. Our den, toys. Open drawers in our house, more toys. Toys have taken over. And toys are essential, they keep Corbyn busy, they teach him fine motor skills, how to problem solve, and give him a way to use his imagination. They are needed for his development but eventually they start accumulating and spilling out of every open nook and cranny in our home. If toy takeover is inevitable I would like the toys to look like these (I chose toys that Corbyn would really be into right now)...

Fishing set from Anthropologie (I didn't even know they carried toys! Just another reason if I only had one place to shop for everything it would be there)
Alphabet building blocks and wagon from Anthropologie
Construction trucks from oompa.com
Animals from oompa.com

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