Sunday, November 1, 2009

My Other Half

november 1. 2009

When I walked down the aisle I was met with tear filled eyes that looked at me with love, the kind of love that says, 75 years from now I will still be holding your hand, the kind of love that says, wherever life may take us and curve balls that might be thrown at us I will lie next to you at night and whisper I love you. That day I looked into those tear filled eyes and recited words in front of family and friends that joined us together as husband and wife, forever.
As I sit writing this tonight I can tell you Wil is not only my husband and everything that goes with being a husband, he is my best friend and my confidante. He loves with his whole self and desperately wants to help others, which makes me love him even more. I am his biggest fan and will stand by his side always cheering him on and offering arms to wrap around him when our world is shaken.

Meet my hubby.

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