Sunday, May 5, 2013

Library Baby Shower for Baby L-P

Dear Baby Lyons-Pardue,

We are patiently waiting your arrival. We are so excited to meet you and love on you! But as we wait, we celebrate you and your beautiful momma!

Ladies from the church and from your family came to help mommy (and daddy) prepare for your arrival by showering your family with gifts and books from our build-a-library shower. Instead of cards, your friends brought you books with beautiful inscriptions. I'm sure you will love sitting with mommy and daddy and reading all these great books! We played a game of guessing what classic book pictures hanging on a banner came from. These book illustrations led to lots of fun discussions about what books were our personal favorites as kids and as mommies. We also played a guess the ingredients in the baby food, which your mom loved because it reminded her of one of her favorite "guess the ingredients" game on a cooking show (baby, you are lucky for numerous reasons but one is because your mommy is a fabulous cook!). We had so much fun celebrating your impending arrival, know baby L-P that you are very loved already!

The table decorated in tan and white with roses from my rose bush. 

The place settings were drawn on the brown butcher paper with white colored pencil. The "name cards" were all the different roles of mom (ie. chauffer, counselor, photographer, historian, etc.)

The banner made from pictures photocopied from classic books and mounted on tan paper hung from twine and clothespins.

Baby food game. (I didn't make any of your friends taste the gross ones, just the good ones)

Your mommy reading one of her book cards with your 4-yr-old buddy.

Some of the ladies from the church who came to celebrate you and your family!

Any day now baby L-P! Can't wait to meet you!


Monday, April 29, 2013

Hudson is 1!

To my Hudson,

I look at you and my heart swells. Your smile can light up a room. Your laugh is contagious. Your excitement excites those around you. Your warmth makes people feel loved. You are sweet and brave and passionate and funny. You have captured us baby boy! It has been so much fun and such an honor being your mommy this past year watching you grow, loving on you, and seeing this amazing personality develop. Oh little man, we love you!

At one year old here are some things about you...
You are almost 22 pounds and 30 inches and are in the 53rd percentile in height and weight.
You love music. Anything. Everything. You bounce and sway and wave your hands to the music.
You eat most things but fruit is by far your favorite. Grapes, cuties, strawberries, bananas are amongst your favorites.
The faster, the higher, the more dangerous the better to you. Slides, scooters, bikes you just love to go fast!
You always take one shoe off in the stroller or car seat. Usually the right one.
You started walking at 11 months and by your first birthday were basically trying to run.
You say mama, dada, dog (daw dawg), that (dat), Andy said you said Andy (Annie) when he was watching you, and at your 1st birthday party you said yaya.
You sleep with a monkey that sings and every time I lie you down in the crib you look over at Charlie monkey waiting for mommy to turn him on.
You still love to nurse at 4:30 in the morning and to calm you down after your afternoon nap when you wake up so crankerpie.
You love to be clapped for.
You think your brother is the funniest person alive and love playing chase with him. You love being chased!
You oh ew oh aw oh all the way through Sea World and the zoo.
You sign more and we are trying to get you to sign all done because you like to aggressively throw your food on the ground.

You love to be outside. You are happiest outside. 
The park is your happy place with the beach coming in a close second. 
You are the best at waking brother, daddy, or me up with your tender hugs and excited giggles.
You love to turn the lights on and off. And blow them on and off. 
You love mommy's keys and to pretend your driving. 
You are so freaking cute!

Huddy, we love you sweet smoosh! Happy 1st Birthday! 

Love, Mom 


Monday, April 15, 2013

Love Wins

To us,

In the midst of chaos. In the darkness of evil. In the heartache of tragedy. I am reminded that 2000+ years ago a man stood in the midst of chaos, evil, and tragedy and didn’t just skirt around it but went right through it, and won. Love won.  

In the ugliness of this world. In the loud craziness of this world. People are running in to help. Literally running towards explosions to scoop people into their arms. People are generously sharing their resources. People are praying. Meals are being shared. Couches are being slept on. People are listening deeply to one another. People are good. Love is still winning. 

I believe on days like today where the evil and injustice has taken center stage we can either question God’s power or we can (be discouraged and disgusted but) trust love will win. And because I believe that... I am going to be a force of love. I will be good. I will encourage. I will comfort. I will soothe. I will be patient. I will be kind. I will be gentle in my words and actions. I will have self control. I will be light. I will be love. 

Love won. Love is still winning. And love will win.

Love, Amy

Monday, March 11, 2013


To the pre-teen boy in the Chargers jersey,

You have no reason to be ashamed. You have no reason to be embarrassed. Fear is a powerful emotion induced by a perceived threat that can be rational or irrational. Did you know there are actual phobias like fearing clothing, or beards, or the color yellow, and even fearing peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of their mouth. No joke! Sometimes fear leads us to act bigger or stronger or quicker than our normal and sometimes it can just be paralyzing. I want you to know it's ok. I saw you. I felt your fear. I could see you were trying to do something that though may be second nature to a lot of people was hard for you. And you did it. I am proud of you! Good job!

The lady behind you on the escalator

ps. I hope someday you can face another fear and confront your dad about his reaction.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

One of those days

Attitudes are flaring this week. Sleep has not been suffice. Patience is running thin. Throwing things at mom and biting has been tried out (what the heck?!). Nerves are on edge. Time outs have been given out like candy.  I felt defeated at points and overwhelmingly frustrated at points. And I know this is just a part of mommyhood. Sometimes being a mom is effortless and fun and sometimes its biting your tongue, breathing deeply, taking every ounce to control yourself hard. On one of those days...

Take an extra 10 minutes to sing in the shower.
Paint your nails.
Make a coffee date even if its just with yourself.
Go for a run.
Sit and watch a tv show instead of doing another load of laundry.
Make a simple dinner.
Have a cup of tea in the middle of the day.
Do your hair a little differently.
Clean something well that you have been putting off.
Read some ecards.
Call a friend.
Do a craft.
Find a new blog to follow.
Put on a outfit that makes you feel pretty.

Do something, anything for you.


The two precious boys who have given me a run for my money this week =)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


To my boys,

I admire your sense of confidence, your lack of shame, your ease with your goofy free self. I pray you never lose this. Mommy, will do her best to let you be you and encourage your quirkiness and your appreciation for yourself. Be silly. Laugh at yourself. Be proud of who God made you. To quote the Veggie Tales book Hudson pushes the singing button a thousand times a day "when you look in the mirror you'll see His touch, because God made you special and He loves you very much!".

So does mommy.


Thursday, February 21, 2013


To my Hudson,

You are freaking adorable! You make me melt!


Tuesday, February 19, 2013


To Lawyers & Future Lawyers,

Consider this your warning. He is not even in kindergarten and he can convince, persuade, lead, and debate with the best of them. He won't take no for an answer without a solid reason. He has a gift of coming at problems from different angles. He is adamant you see things his way. He seeks creative solutions. He loves people and can rally those around him to trust the direction he is going. He is perseverant.

His weakness though is cookies. Offer him a cookie and you have a chance.

His biggest fan and the first prosecutor in his life

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


To my Corbyn,

Four whole years old! You are imaginative, creative, kind, and compassionate. You are an entertainer, a leader, a thoughtful friend, and a caring brother. You are hilarious, observant, courageous, and audacious. You are a deep thinker, a persistent asker of questions, and a connection maker! You are a lover! You make us so happy! We are proud of the little man you have become and look forward to God growing you exponentially this year.

What is your favorite color? Orange
What is your favorite toy? Bubble gun, Legos
What is your favorite food? Sweet potatoes
What is your favorite tv show? Spider-Man
What is your favorite outfit? Superman shirt
What is your favorite game? Pop Goes Froggio
What is your favorite snack? Apple because I get my eye vision
What is your favorite animal? Lions
What is your favorite song? The pop song! (Starts singing) A Moment Forever by Volbeat (Spotify it!)
What is your favorite book? Ira Sleeps Over or Any Bernstein Bears
Who is your best friend? Marley & Riggs (they can come to my house 4-eva)
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Jump on the trampoline, ride scooter
What is your favorite drink? lemonade
What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy? Go to bed and lay. Play hide and seek.
What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy? Read books. Have a tea party.
What is your favorite thing to do with Hudson? Fight crime. Play chase around the coffee table.

Love you my bubby!

Love, Mom


To Parents and Future Parents,

We give. We give. We give some more. We have nothing left to give and we give.
It's "can you wipe my toosh."
"I'm hungry."
"I can't find my batman, can you?"
"Whah." Change diaper.
"Mom, Hudson is trying to get into the toilet."
"Can I watch tv?" No.
"Can we go for a walk then."
"I want to ride my scooter." Get scooter.
"Mom, I want to ride my bike." Get bike.
"Hudson is riding in the wagon? I want to ride in the wagon."
"My sheets have sand in them can you change them."
"Mamamamamama." Feed baby.
"Mooom, can you please put on my Captain America suit."
"I accidentally peed on the floor, can you clean it up?"
"Can you turn my suit inside out?"
"Can you button me up again?" Put on.
"Actually I want to be Ironman, can you put that on."
"Whah." Sit on floor with baby.
"Mom, I'm thirsty."
"Mom, this is just water I want ice also."
"Whah." Back to floor.
"Mommy, I opened my cup to make sure there was ice and I spilled it."
"Mom, can you read this book to me."
"Moooom, can you please put Hudson somewhere else he keeps grabbing the pages."
"Hudson spit up."
"Whah." Give baby toy to play with.
"Mom, these shoes are pinching."
"Wonder woman."

We give and give. It is the absolute best thing and hardest thing to be mom (or dad)! But then there are moments, sweet glimpses of your babies learning to give back when they offer a very aggressive kiss or a "Mom! I love you!" "You are the best!" and your heart wants to explode with love. I have never given so much of myself to anything. I have never loved so hard. So emotionally. So passionately. So intimately. So unconditionally. Then the way I love my kids.

It kind of reminds me of a love I have received! Maybe being a parent is a glimpse into how God loves us. His tank just never depletes like ours do and he never whines about it.

Thank you God for loving me. Thank you for my amazing boys and for teaching me how to love them.  I love you! You are the best!

Parents (future parents), we can do it, we have a beautiful giver to imitate!

Love, Amy

Superhero Party

To those looking to throw a kids party on a budget (and to future Corbyn),

My boy is obsessed with superheroes! We have had to have multiple talks about how God is greater than superheroes but that they possess characteristics that would make God smile. We have had numerous talks about how his name is Corbyn and not Superman or Spider-Man or Batman, not even Steve Rogers or Clark Kent, but please, please introduce yourself as Corbyn. So naturally he wanted a superhero party. 

I scoured pinterest and found some superhero parties that I could take some ideas from, one party that when I looked closer realized it was a party of one of my friends from high school kiddo. Small cyber world! Her sons party can be found at Domestic Charm. The photo backdrop and striped jello squares were ideas from there, thanks Katelyn for sharing!    

Here are some photos from Corbyn's Superhero party!

Our garage transformed into city skyline. Black sheet hung, clouds and moon cut from poster board, buildings made from boxes with gray and yellow poster board. 
My super boys! 

Capes for all the kiddos as their take home gift. Made from felt and foam stars. We just traced Corbyn's cape and shield on the cape from a cape he already had and cut them out with fabric scissors. I used spray glue to attach the shield to the cape. Then used hot glue to attach the foam stars from Michaels to the shield. I then used heat activated velcro to fasten around the neck area. 
Superhero Bounce House rented from Jump for Adan
Banner made from left over felt and foam stars. Attached to ribbon with hot glue gun. 
Coloring pages just printed off from online

Pictures of the Superhero Birthday boy over the dessert table
Striped Jello squares on dessert table.
"4" Cake and cake pops (strawberry and chocolate) also on dessert table.
Superhero labels for food. Just printed on construction paper cut funky and outlined with sharpie. Labels were enhances agility, improves laser vision, builds muscles, energy blast, boosts invisibility, and increases elasticity. We served pizza, chicken wings, carrots and celery with hummus, cuties, and grapes.

Superhero buddies!
Little heroes and birthday boy bouncing!
The rain held off and Corbyn had so much fun with all his buddies!

Corbyn, I sure had fun doing this party for you! Love you my big 4 year old!

Love, Mom/Amy

Thursday, January 31, 2013


To My Huddy,

For over nine months now we have had the middle of the night just you and me. Usually twice a night we sat in the darkness, in the quiet, as you filled your little belly and I starred at your precious face, squishy hands, and felt your little body curve perfectly into mine. Getting up in the morning proved to be quite the chore but having those peaceful prayerful moments with you, I wouldn't change.

But the time has come where it is better for both of us and for daddy and brother that you learn to sleep through the night. So the sleep training has begun. It's been five days and you have been a champ. You were ready. Mommy is still trying to sleep all night again but you have been great! Thank you for making it easy on mommy.

May you have peaceful nights sleep and beautiful dreams my sweet boy!

Love, Mommy