Friday, August 12, 2011

Have a Restful Weekend

I have been fighting a cold. A cold in the middle of summer, strange! My body is trying to fight it and I am trying to help it do so by making the couch and bed my best friend and resting this weekend. Sometimes resting is not easy especially with a to year old running around but I am going to attempt to go to bed at a reasonable time and nap when the boy naps, good plan. Ready, go.
photo by: Collin Pantall

I challenge you to rest this weekend! Slow down and take a break. Even if you feel great take some time and put your feet up, everyone needs a little me time.

And while you have your feet up, here are some fun/interesting things from around the interweb.

Always looking for good ideas like this for the car.

I found this absolutely hilarious and true!

Ummm, yum. These made me want to go camping.

I really like his weddings, soft, heartfelt, and warm. Here is his most recent one.

I love this print. I think its supposed to be NY but it reminds me of San Diego <3

This is pretty funny, though I never went to a frat party, I've seen movies and I have a toddler.

I have been craving this sandwich from my favorite sandwich place in SD, Con Pane.

Amazing podcast. Super interesting and thought provoking!

Happy Friday!

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