Monday, April 25, 2011

Weekend Wind Up: Easter Weekend

"Look at these hands and my side, they swallowed the grave on that night, when I drank the world's sin, so I could carry you in, and give you life, I want to give you life!"- Tenth Avenue North Thank you Jesus for life!

Hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend and are recovering from the jelly bean and robin egg stupor after putting jars out for the kids and then limiting them but not setting a limit for yourself. Wait, what, that's just me? No one else's mom asked them "how many point on weight watchers are those" and thinking no, its a holiday, calories don't count on holidays. Well, if you think calories are negligible on holidays then we can be best buddies ;).

Anytime I can have family surround me, celebrate the GOOD NEWS, have awesome food to eat, and hear the kids laughing it is a good day! This is what our weekend looked like...

1st we planted flowers in our front planter for Earth Day. Actually I confess that I actually didn't know it was Earth day until we planted the flowers but when I found out I felt very earthy. Now, we will see if I can keep them alive.
Then, we dyed Easter eggs with Yaya and Popie. Corbyn was very proud of himself especially when he figured out you can mix the colors.
The finished product.
Easter Sunday family pic
And another. This one totally cracks me up. When Corbyn saw this picture he screamed "kissy monsters".
Corbyn's baseball themed Easter basket for my baseball obsessed son and husband.
We took wagon rides, yup even I got pushed around.
Searched for Easter eggs.
Opened the Easter eggs at the slowest pace ever! Ry was trying to help Corbyn along.
Checked out the goods.
And got lots of kisses from the grandparents!
It was a very Happy Easter!

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