Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Little M- 6 weeks


Girl travels to England. Girl falls in love with England. Boy falls in love with girl. Girl falls in love with boy. Girl stays in England. Boy and girl get married. And a year later boy and girl have baby M. Family of 3 travels to the states to introduce precious M to girl's family. And I am positive family has fallen in love with little M.
They were visiting here in Prescott for a few days and I am so thankful I got to meet this beautiful little girl and capture her innocence, beauty, and little developing personality at 6 weeks. She was on an 8 hour time difference and did absolutely wonderfully as she charmed us with her little smirks, curious blue eyes, and her fascination with her tongue. Jen and Jonathan thank you for introducing me to your little girl, you are fabulous parents that I know will raise a fabulous little girl. Congratulations!

Little M is so beautiful!

I <3>

"Here's my tongue!"

I loved all her cute expressions
And blue eyes

Here is little M (very sleepy at this point) with mom and dad and her great-grandparents. Very special!

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures are beautiful. I've known Jen for a long time and I'm thrilled to see her precious baby! Thanks for posting. :)
