Monday, April 15, 2013

Love Wins

To us,

In the midst of chaos. In the darkness of evil. In the heartache of tragedy. I am reminded that 2000+ years ago a man stood in the midst of chaos, evil, and tragedy and didn’t just skirt around it but went right through it, and won. Love won.  

In the ugliness of this world. In the loud craziness of this world. People are running in to help. Literally running towards explosions to scoop people into their arms. People are generously sharing their resources. People are praying. Meals are being shared. Couches are being slept on. People are listening deeply to one another. People are good. Love is still winning. 

I believe on days like today where the evil and injustice has taken center stage we can either question God’s power or we can (be discouraged and disgusted but) trust love will win. And because I believe that... I am going to be a force of love. I will be good. I will encourage. I will comfort. I will soothe. I will be patient. I will be kind. I will be gentle in my words and actions. I will have self control. I will be light. I will be love. 

Love won. Love is still winning. And love will win.

Love, Amy

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