Shirt: Common Threadz- A nonprofit for helping orphans, every shirt you purchase buys a school uniform for an orphan.
Pants: Volcom-is offering a wonderful solution, Give Jeans a Chance, to find your used denim a new home through The National Coalition for the Homeless. You bring them your denim (any brand), they will clothe someone who needs it.
Shoes: TOMS- With every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need. One for One.
Necklace: 31 Bits-Not only are their necklaces made from recycled paper and other local materials but 31 Bits is a business using fashion and design to empower women in Uganda to rise above poverty.
Perfume: Donna Karen's Pure by DKNY- is part of a collaborative project with CARE proceeds from this particular fragrance going to help over 1000 women in Uganda break the cycle of poverty by helping them with education and jobs.
Bag: STOPstart- made from recycled feed bags these bags and wallets go to stopping human trafficing and helping the victims start a new life. By purchasing their products you will help support projects that work with victims of human trafficing.
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