january 12. 2009
We had an assignment in 4th grade where the teacher asked "if we could live anywhere in the world where would it be?". We had to take that assignment and research the place and present it to our class. 4th graders are amazingly creative and people presented places like Belize, Australia, Egypt, Africa, Florence...and then there was me...I walked up in front of my class and presented why I wanted to live in Nebraska! That's right...Nebraska...why? I had never been there, I had never even known anyone from Nebraska, but I liked the way Nebraska was pronounced.
Looking back on that assignment it actually revealed something about my personality...I have a hard time dreaming big. I am practical, and a worrier, and think way too much about the process and not the big picture. One of my goals for 2010 is to look at my life, look at the things I love, the things I want to accomplish and to dream big! It is cheesy but the sky is the limit!
If that picture was from the sunset last night, we took pictures of the same thing, probably at the same time. haha :)