Saturday, April 30, 2011
Have a Royal Weekend
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Project 31: Day 2
I am turning to a book to answer this question. I love taking personality tests seeing where I fall on a spectrum of introvert/extrovert, what job I “should be doing”, what animal I would be compared to, but recently I purchased, well my husband purchased, Strengths Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath for me. You take an online test that takes about 30 minutes and they give you your top five strengths and then a description of each strength and how to optimize who you are. I was blown away by the results they seriously hit the nail on the head. Here are my results in order of things that make me, me...
Empathy- At five years old I remember walking home from school and stepping over the threshold to my house I had this pit in my stomach as I looked at my mom’s usually happy smiley face greet me still with a smile but a different kind of smile. A sad smile. Instantly I knew something was wrong, no words, still a smile, but definitely something wrong. She then told me my dog had passed away while I was at school. “Empathy means I can sense the emotions of others around me and can feel their feelings as if they are my own. I don’t condone the choice each person makes or feel pity for their predictment necessarily but I do understand and have an instinctive ability to hear the unvoiced questions and the unspoken needs. Other people’s happiness brings me pleasure and I am sensitive to the feelings of others readily gauging the emotional tone of the room” (97-99).
Discipline-Having a child really tests this part of my personality, but it’s so good for me. “My world needs to be predictable. It needs to be ordered and planned”. So, I of course when I found out I was pregnant I was drawn to Baby Wise (you can’t follow a book page by page though haha unfortunately all babies aren’t the same and have their own personalities). “ I instinctively impose structure on my world, setting up routines, focusing on timelines and deadlines and to-do lists. The routines, structure, timelines help me feel in control. I not only create order but I crave it wanting to have a place for everything and have everything in its place” (93-95). See how mommyhood can test this. Darn it, I was hoping this description wouldn’t describe me, I think unpredictable people are fun, I think people should like surprises but I am realizing I just may not be one of those haha. Although I do love gift surprises, just don’t plan a trip without me being able to plan out Corbyn details, outfit details, scheduling details, etc. I like to have fun but I like to schedule fun.
Maximizer- “Excellence, not average, is my measure. Transforming something strong into something superb takes much effort but is thrilling. Strengths, whether mine or others, fascinate me” (137-139). My guess is this is what made me a good student, a good softball player, and a bad loan officer (cold calls, seriously, shoot me, what was I thinking), and continues to make me a good mommy and a good wife (per my hubby).
Monday, April 25, 2011
I wish and I'm thankful
Closet Love: Casual Working Girl
So for my first job I ditched the black suit opting for more relaxed business attire but then I switched jobs and even the relaxed business attire was too much. And though it is fun to dress up and wear high heels everyday I was excited to wear jeans. Everyone in the office wore jeans. Awesome. So jeans and converse became the usual. Sounds nice but I have been looking for ways to dress down but more put together and this outfit is something that I think would be perfect for a casual workplace, or lunch with friends, or shopping, or a day date, lots of possibilities!
Weekend Wind Up: Easter Weekend
Friday, April 22, 2011
Have a Blessed Weekend!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Amy Ryland Photography: Johnson Family
Thursday Randomness
Project 31: Day 1
He carefully slipped the furry pink socks over her swollen feet. I had never seen her wear pink. In fact, she only ever wore black, her style or lack of style, was to drape layers of black,not too gaudy, not too gothic, but it was her signature look, black clothes, big blonde or red hair, and lots of the newest greatest makeup carefully applied. So the pink made me smile to myself hearing her voice probably cuss at him for getting her pink socks and more than that, they were fuzzy. She wasn't fuzzy. His sole purpose was to make her comfortable. He then leaned over and grabbed the lemon flavor songy swab and gently rubbed it over her lips and into her mouth moistening it. When she made a disgusted look he smiled and said "I know, but its the only flavor they have". He then gently leaned over her raised bed and gave her a soft kiss on her forehead. I believe her eyes filled with tears, though he insists they were jut watery, but I think she was overwhelmed with love and thankfulness.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Closet Love: Easter Sunday